Paid Search

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Overview:  Does your website show up at the top of key consumer searches? If not, Paid Search is the solution you’re looking for.

Paid search advertisements are a highly targetable and measurable way to market to your ideal consumers. It allows you to place ads in specific consumer searches so your brand is shown on any search that you deem relevant to your business, regardless of your organic search ranking for the keyword.  It is a quick and effective way to get your brand in front of people who are looking for the product/service that you provide.

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Benefits of Paid Search

QUALIFIED TRAFFIC: By targeting exactly what people are searching, Paid Search campaigns can focus solely on your target customers.

HIGHER CONSIDERATION: Paid Search campaigns can use search intent to find not only interested customers, but also customers who are ready to convert.

FASTER RESULTS: Unlike many traditional forms of marketing, Paid Search gives you an immediate return on your spend.

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TOP PLACEMENT: Immediately get your brand to the top of valuable consumer searches.

HIGHLY ADAPTABLE: Adapt your Paid Search campaign to your specific marketing goals, whether you want to increase traffic or drive consumers to convert.

EASY TO ANALYZE:  Paid Search creates easily measurable results that allow for simpler analysis and optimization of the campaign.

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When to Use Paid Search

To rank higher in searches. Use Paid Search to boost search performance when organic rankings are consistently lower than those of competitors. Each drop in position in organic ranking represents a in clicks from any given search. Using a Paid Search campaign in these instances allows you tosignificant decrease  place ads in the highest position possible, and greatly increase your chance of pulling in consumers from relevant searches.

To achieve digital marketing goals. Paid Search campaigns can isolate consumers deep in the decision making process and bring them to your website ready to act. Bringing in consumers who are closer to the purchase can ensure that your website is being visited by consumers who not only want to browse, but also want to act. 

To reach new customers. Paid Search campaigns find those consumers who are actively trying to find your services or products rather than trying to find interested consumers based on an estimated model of your target.  This allows you to market to relevant consumers who may not have been reached with a traditional marketing campaign that is based on your model of a target consumer.

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Roxboro, NC offers visitors a great downtown and two amazingly beautiful lakes to enjoy. The problem is, not many visitors know where to find Roxboro or what to expect when they arrive. So we created this video as a part of a larger influencer campaign. It was released on all social platforms and sent to area media partners for distribution. The results were immediate.

Instagram: 1,600% increase Site traffic: 75% increase


We helped Stokes County come up with a targeted media campaign to attract visitors during the Fall season. We developed the overall look and feel and also created an eNewsletter, ad units and social promotions to round out the influencer campaign. The design has since been adopted into a full brand campaign.

Instagram: 250,000 / month Clicks: 8,650 / month


We know 92% of users prefer personal content over branded content. We also know that 44% of visitors look to blogs for travel inspiration. With these stats in mind, we helped Visit Winston-Salem developed a series of experience oriented blogs, videos and posts to help bring their city to like for foodies, art lovers and arm-chair historians.

Impressions: 2 million Site traffic: 147% increase


The right image can inspire visitors to choose your destination over others. These images are also more likely to be reposted, liked and shared by other travel bloggers and those with similar interests. Here is a sample of the images we have taken as part of our influencer campaigns to build a cross platform following of more than 160,000 travel enthusiasts.

Followers: 160,000+


Social posts are a great way to connect with your audience to offer advice, reviews or recommendations. This is an example of a targeted campaign we did to help reach foodies and art lovers. The goal of the campaign was to challenge pre-conceived notions of what Winston-Salem, NC has to offer. Based upon the results, we succeeded.

Impressions: 340,000+ Site traffic: 1,350% increase in social traffic


In addition to our social following, we also have a large list of opt-in email contacts. As part of our influencer package, we work with local partners to design and developed custom eNewsletters. These emails are sent to our opt-in users. So if you want to target a specific geography, interest or demographic we can zero in on the target and speak to them on a personal level.

Average List Size: 120,000 contacts Category or demographic specific: 50,000 contacts


Outside of our Influencer program, EverWondr offers traditional marketing and advertising services. That includes research, strategy, creative and media. In the case of Beaufort, NC, we married the brand campaign with the influencer program. The main image of each ad is linked to an online experience. When the user goes online they find various blog articles, videos and posts told from an influencer perspective.

Impressions 6 million Accolades: Beaufort voted America’s favorite small town by Travel + Leisure